Saturday, February 14, 2009

Carter: "When I sleep I see movies in my head."

Today for lunch we had leftover pizza heated by our new range! We are so excited to finally replace the one we have used for the past 5 1/2 years.

The water heater and furnace are the only appliances left that we inherited with the house....but I guess the fridge is in the garage where it does do a great job keeping my beer cold.

Anyway during lunch Reed was talking about how he was so tired last night that he didn't have any dreams.  He went on to say how he only has dreams when he knows he falls asleep and last night he didn't realize that he fell asleep.  At that point Carter chimes in with: "When I sleep I see movies in my head."  Which of course brought a bit of a chuckle to both Wendi and I.

It has been a busy Saturday so far and Wendi deserves a break.  She spit-shined the old range which will soon be listed for sale.  I got the new range installed and also managed to re-install the dishwasher so that we could finally after 4 years put the toe plate on.  I am so happy to not see the hoses (and spilled cereal) under the dishwasher.

I admit, that honey-do list item was LONG overdue.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Recipe: Simple Stroganoff

Wendi and I were chatting last night and I thought it might be interesting if we added a bit more content to our blog.  Being the family chef I thought it might be interesting if I shared my one-off recipes with everyone, particularly the family favorites.

Reed says, "This is my favorite!"

Schuerman's Simple Stroganoff

(any similarities to other recipes of this nature is purely coincidental) 

  • 1 lb Ground Beef
  • 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup - I generally use generic.
  • 1/2 Cup Sour Cream
  • 1/2 Cup Milk - I use 1%, but use what you have.
  • 1/2 bag of egg noodles - No Yolks are my personal favorite.
  • Seasoned Salt to taste

Brown ground beef in your favorite pan, not just any pan, your FAVORITE pan.  Why? It's more fun to cook with it.  :)  In the meantime boil some water for the egg noodles and when it's bubbling throw them in and cook them until the desired doneness, but don't make them mush. Mushy egg noodles are gross.  

When the burger is browned and crumbly drain any leftover grease, there's enough fat in the soup and sour cream we don't need the grease too!  I once had a vegeterian cooking for me and she didn't realize you were supposed to drain the grease.  Funny thing, last I heard she's no longer a vegeterian.  I'm guessing her mom wasn't a great cook...

Back to business, dump in the soup, milk and sour cream with the ground beef.  I usually mix it all in the frying pan because Daisy hates when I use extra dishes like say a batter bowl to mix it up in first, apparently she doesn't enjoy washing dishes. Stir it around until it's evenly mixed with the ground beef, and sprinkle with some seasoned salt to your liking. Usually a teaspoon or so is plenty. 

When the noodles are done, drain and add to the frying pan and stir once again.  Serve with a side of steamed vegetables or if you're daring...BEETS!  My kids love canned beets, sometimes I have to make two cans to fill the demand.

There you have it.  This is one of my 30 minute meals (eat your heart out Rachel Rae) that the kids love and frankly so do I. Not just because it is quick and easy, it tastes great, even as leftovers which is what I'm having for lunch today!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Maybe Not

So, we thought the boys were healthy.

Last night Reed was sick again. He didn't make any messes this time, no funny stories to tell. But, he was just fine today, and went to school.

We're not sure what's going on with him. This is the third night he's gotten sick during the night, but not been actually 'sick sick'.

We're taking him to the doctor tomorrow.

The Puke-Ups Again?

Again? Sunday night both Reed and Carter spent the night with the 'puke ups' (their term, not mine). Reed did pretty good about making it to the bathroom at least.

Carter - not so good. Several 'piles' on the bedroom floor (carpet, clothes, blankets).

We still aren't sure what would have caused it. Nobody else at the birthday party seemed to be affected. It's quite the coincidence they got sick on the same night. And, right after I put the comforter I had to have cleaned from last time - back on Carter's bed. Guess what - he hit it!

They were good sports about it at least. Reed woke us up a few times, but didn't need help. Carter didn't come in at all, we didn't even know he was sick too.

Reed was actually pretty proud telling Kelly

I puked up 10 or 20 times last night. I got most of it in the toilet, just a little on the carpet, and a big splash on the bathroom floor
Carter decided to have fun tricking Daisy. After last time, when Carter puked all over, we were checking out the damage downstairs. I asked Carter if he had went to the basement at all. He said yes, and led us down to the basement bathroom and proceed to tell us he puked under the rug. Daisy and Reed bought it! I couldn't believe that the kid that puked on his bedroom floor would make it to the basement bathroom while Reed was using the upstairs toilet.

Well, we kept them home, but they were just fine. Played LEGO with Dad all day, not sick a bit.

Hopefully we are through for a while