Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hole in My Smile

Both Reed and Carter are now missing their front tooth! Carter lost his a long time ago, and Reed finally caught up with his little brother!

For those of you who don't know the story (or have forgotten it), Carter lost his when he feel off Kelly's motorcycle. Kelly was in the garage packing for our first week long family vacation, and Carter was sitting on the bike in the garage. He was about 16 months old, so he was pretty mobile. When Wendi pulled into the driveway, Carter turned to see - and it made the jacket on the seat slide. When it slid to the floor, so did Carter. He was a pretty tough sport, we went into the bathroom to clean him up. Then we talked to the 'baby in the mirror' and he calmed down right away. He probably only cried for 5 minutes. But, the next day (on vacation) - his tooth was sticking straight out. I pushed it back into place, but it kept going out. By the next day, it was out. He is saving it until he loses another tooth, and will put them out for the tooth fairy together, and hopefully earn double the rewards!
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