Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The life of a rose

Below is a series a photos from the life of my rose. This was the only rose I was able to grow on the rose bush we planted this summer.

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Summer's Close

As summer draws to a close, I sure enjoyed the warm weather today. I thought I would share a few pictures from the end of this summer. Enjoy!
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Carter's first day of PreSchool was today. He had a great day and was so excited! He slept with his backpack last night. This morning, he was up and at it right away! When I came downstairs at 7:10, he was already in the van, buckling up.

He had a great afternoon at Preschool. Daddy picked him up at daycare and took him to school. He wasn't shy at all. He found his cubby, hung up his bag and went right into the playhouse. He was so confident, he knew right where he was and why he was there.

When I picked him up, he was still in a great mood - he had a great day. He was proud that he had 'homework'. When he saw his teacher's phone number on the sheet, he wanted to call her to tell her that "Mrs. Shorts (Schwartz) I really like your school."

Tonight, for his special supper, he choose Mac-N-Cheese. At bedtime, he asked if he gets to go to his new school again tomorrow. He is ready to go back on Thursday.

Three in school - how scary!
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Monday, September 8, 2008

5th Day of 5th Grade

Daisy's special school day was today. She decided to wear her hair in a french braid, which was something new for our house. The morning was a little rough, since she's now carrying an instrument back and forth to school with her. She walks, which takes longer, since she can't carry it on her bike.

She decided to try the trumpet - on a recommendation from the music teacher. I think it fits her pretty well. We did a trial through the music store, so not a huge investment. She's already liking it and practicing (in her room please!) without nagging.

For her special meal, she chose chili, a nice meal for the cool weather we've been having. The fifth day of fifth grade - everything is settled in and shaping up to be a good start to the school year.

Her teacher is Mrs. Deutz, a nice woman that seems to have patience with Daisy. I think they will get along well. She has already made a few friends in school and in her class.

She has adjusted well to the block scheduling in different classrooms with different teachers. I think she's also excited about the a la carte options for lunch. Although, she eats really early and is starving at night.

Hopefully Daisy will post some updates of her own throughout the school year.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Preschool Open House

Carter had his open house at Preschool today. He was so excited! I thought we would be at the Middle School (ECFE office), so I was prepping him that this isn't his classroom but he would be able to meet his teacher and classmates. He wanted to know when he could "check out" his classroom. Once we got there, I found out that it was at Parkside -Carter was thrilled that he got to go to his classroom. So he ran to the van and told me to "speed over there".

He loved his room, and asked his teacher lots of questions - wasn't the least bit shy to anyone, adults or kids. He enjoyed painting, a puzzle, time in the sand box - all this in about 20 minutes. While he was painting his puppy picture, he was asking the teacher Sarah, how they remember everyone's names. She said that it takes a little time, and that he would learn their names when he starts coming to school and seeing them more often. Then he asked, what if she would recognize them if they get a haircut. He has quite the little mind. :)

He will start class the 16th - he's so excited!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day of 1st Grade

Reed started First Grade today! The morning started out rainy, so Daddy gave him a ride to the bus stop and waited for him to board. His teacher is Mrs. Hess, and she's very nice. Although, he did have a complaint that there is no play time, just learning! Lunch was cheeseburger on a wheat bun. Overall he had a good day and had fun with his friends. He has a few kids from his class year and several new ones as well.

In honor of his first day, he choose speghetti for supper, and it received a thumbs up. Then Dad and Reed went to the park to register for fall soccer.

Watch for the update on Daisy's 5th day of 5th grade next Monday....
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