Friday, January 16, 2009


Well, I was informed today that it's been 5 weeks since the last post - wow, time has sure gotten away from me.

We have been busy, but just the regular stuff. The holidays were good, it was nice to visit with everyone. The kids finished the second quarter of school yesterday, the school year is half over :)

Daisy can start selling Girl Scout cookies today - so let us know if you're interested.

Also today, Reed started the community rec basketball program. He was really shy at the first session (big second graders) and didn't play, so we tried again at the second session - and he wasn't shy at all. He really enjoyed himself.

Yesterday I was the mystery reader for Reed's class, they guessed who I was but still enjoyed the stories. I think all kids like the "Froggy" series.

Tomorrow Kelly leaves for a week in the cities for training. We have been planning how I will survive the meals, but I'm not sure about anything else! Hopefully it will be a calm week for us.

My travel to NYC was canceled, so that is a bit of a relief for Kelly.

I'll try to keep you all updated a little more often...

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